Why Choose EMAT
Energy auditing isn’t rocket science, but there absolutely is a learning curve to correctly auditing your building’s energy usage. There are a lot of services on the market, but we’ll give you a few reasons why you should choose EMAT.
Before EMAT was formed in 2014, energy auditing was often relegated to chaotic collections of scribbled notes and blurry cell phone pictures. This inefficiency made accurate analysis time-consuming and difficult. Don’t deal with all that mess. Instead, consider these benefits from EMAT:

EMAT is Simplistic and Intuitive
We know not everyone conducting an energy audit is going to have experience in that space. That’s why we created EMAT so that it’s usable by anyone, no matter your experience level. Whether you barely know what an energy audit is used for or you’re a seasoned auditor, EMAT Field Auditor is for you.
By Energy Auditors, For Energy Auditors
We know energy auditing. EMAT Field Auditor was built by energy engineers who understand the pain of the process. This includes trying to organize hundreds of photos with the correct equipment and then transcribing chicken scratch on floor plans.
We know the feeling of having a site representative, who doesn’t want to be there, looking over your shoulder. Or just get your pics and get out of there. Our software avoids the bells and whistles and required fields that are only going to slow you down. We created the app that lets you get what you need and get back to the office
EMAT Offers Knowledgeable Support
We aim to ensure that EMAT Field Auditor is largely self-contained, so you can conduct your energy audits without additional support. However, if you need us, we’re happy to help. Whether you’re having issues figuring out your report or you just have a quick question, our team of experienced energy auditors is a phone call away to get you the help you need.